Consideraciones católicas para nuestra partida a la otra vida (Catholic Considerations for Our Earthly Passing)

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Los católicos sabemos que la muerte es la puerta que debemos atravesar para obtener la vida eterna. Se ofrecen varias consideraciones como puntos de partida para entender y prepararnos para nuestro paso terrenal de una manera que respete el don de Dios de la vida humana.

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As Catholics, we know that death is the door through which we must pass to gain eternal life. Several considerations are provided as starting points for understanding and preparing for our earthly passing in a way that respects God’s gift of human life.

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Los católicos sabemos que la muerte es la puerta que debemos atravesar para obtener la vida eterna. Se ofrecen varias consideraciones como puntos de partida para entender y prepararnos para nuestro paso terrenal de una manera que respete el don de Dios de la vida humana.

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As Catholics, we know that death is the door through which we must pass to gain eternal life. Several considerations are provided as starting points for understanding and preparing for our earthly passing in a way that respects God’s gift of human life.

Preview the article online. Also available in English.